Hosting a clean-up of your event space, whether it be a beach, marina or boatyard, has an immediate and visible impact on your surroundings. It also plays an important role in educating participants about the dangers posed by plastic waste and marine debris. Picking bottles and wrappers out of waters sailors so dearly love might be just the push they need to change their habits. It will also give participants insight into what kinds of waste are most commonly found, and where there are opportunities to take action to reduce these types of items.
- Consider partnering with a local organization that can help with planning, logistics and volunteer management.
- If you have the resources, consider installing a device, such as a SeaBin or Marina Trash Skimmer.
- If you don’t have the time or resources to organize a full-on clean-up, ask participants at the end of the event to clean up their area, or take part in a #2minutebeachclean
- Register your event and download the Clean Regattas Toolkit for more information!

If you would like to share how you’ve achieved this Best Practice, please share your solution below. If you’re looking for help on this topic, you can ask your question to our community of Clean Regatta Organizers.
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