12. Divert Food Waste from the Landfill


Composting is important to reducing carbon emissions and limiting the size of our landfills. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 20-30% of what we throw away at home could instead be composted. Food rotting in the landfill releases methane gas, which is roughly 84 times more potent as a heat-trapping gas (over the course of 20 years) than carbon dioxide, according to the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report. Additionally, when food is composted, it sequesters carbon back into the ground and acts as a carbon sink. Composting also creates nutrient-rich soil, which eliminates the need for synthetic fertilizer. Healthy soils better absorb water which reduces runoff, leading to less toxins making their way into the water. Composting, when done correctly, can make a HUGE difference. If you can’t compost, there are other ways to achieve this Best Practice – so pick what works best!


If you would like to share how you’ve achieved this Best Practice, please share your solution below. If you’re looking for help on this topic, you can ask your question to our community of Clean Regatta Organizers.


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