Lilac Regatta

May 26, 2023 to May 28, 2023
Annual Regatta

Event Details

Host Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
Location Hamilton, Canada
Certification Level Bronze
Website Link

Best Practices Achieved

1. Eliminate Single-Use Water Bottles and Provide Water Refill Stations

The water station was installed in 2022, and RHYC discontinued the sale of bottled water.

2. Eliminate Plastic Straws

RHYC has searched for the past 19 months for replacements for plastic straws, cutlery and cups. We've tried a series of products, but have been successful in eliminating the plastic variety.

3. Serve Food with Plastic-Free Dinnerware

RHYC stopped using plastic containers with the arrival of COVID, which prompted us to launch an ambitious take-out program.

5. Award Practical Items or Use a Perpetual or Upcycled Trophy

The legacy Haida Cup is awarded each year to the winner of the Lilac Regatta.

8. Post Educational and Reusable Signage

Banners from previous events were sewn together to provide a sustainable backdrop for the presentations. This will be reused for future events.

10. Organize a Green Team

RHYC's Environment Committee is a standing committee of the Board Of Directors. It's members working with the Lilac event organizers to ensure that the event's success as a Clean Regatta. We are already in touch with race organizers for 2024 events.

11. Ensure Proper Waste Bin Placement and Signage

Waste bins are available throughout the RHYC grounds, and we separate waste, recycleables, and compostables for collection.

12. Divert Food Waste from the Landfill

Food waste is captured for compostable collection.

20. Inspire Future Action

RHYC published a Green Boating Guide in 2022, and members and guests are asked to visit the guide on the club web site.

1. Eliminate Single-Use Water Bottles and Provide Water Refill Stations