Spreading the sustainability message is good press both for you and the planet. By letting the world know that you are hosting an event with the environment in mind, you gain a unique marketing advantage that is appreciated by both attendees and partner organizations. Publicize your goals ahead of the event to inform participants’ expectations. This also provides incentive to follow through with your actions and hold your team accountable. You never know who you might reach by sharing your efforts. You could inspire another event organizer in your community to host a Clean Regatta themselves.
- Share Sailors for the Sea’s conservation message with your community and beyond through press releases, social media posts and in your local news outlets.
- Use your organization’s webpage to spread the word, make note in your Notice of Race, and in communications to event participants and attendees.
- If you have long-term sustainability goals, create a page on your website dedicated to these efforts.
- Register your event and download the Clean Regattas Toolkit for more information!

If you would like to share how you’ve achieved this Best Practice, please share your solution below. If you’re looking for help on this topic, you can ask your question to our community of Clean Regatta Organizers.
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