Event Details | |
Host | Thistle Fleet 66, Clinton Lake Sailing Association |
Location | Weldon, USA |
Certification Level | Bronze |
Website Link | https://thistleclass.com/events/fleet-66-painkiller-regatta/ |
Best Practices Achieved
1. Eliminate Single-Use Water Bottles and Provide Water Refill Stations
We provided water refill stations, encouraged use of refillable water bottles. Reusable cups were also provided for the post race celebratory beverages.
2. Eliminate Plastic Straws
Our event did not contain any plastic straws.
4. Skip Bags or Go Reusable
Our event did not provide bags for attendees.
5. Award Practical Items or Use a Perpetual or Upcycled Trophy
Our event awarded practical item trophies that were custom designed etched pint glasses.
6. Publicize Your Sustainability Efforts
Attendees were informed of the sustainability efforts, including items like paper-free, recycling, reusable plates/flatware.
13. Use Paperless Event Management
Paper usage was reduced to an on-request. Sailing Instructions and Notice of Race were distributed electronically and displayed in digital form during our competitors meeting.
17. Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Alternatives
We offered a grilled marinated portabella option for our dinner vegetarian entree, and a chick-pea salad for our lunch vegetarian entree option.
10. Organize a Green Team
Green team performed a variety of tasking including validation recyclables made it into the correct bin, washing reusable dishes and flatware, etc.
11. Ensure Proper Waste Bin Placement and Signage
Our club leverages a single primary garbage bin, and a labeled recycling receptacle was placed adjacent.