Event Details | |
Host | Keppel Bay Sailing Club |
Location | Yeppoon, Australia |
Certification Level | Gold |
Website Link | https://kbsc.com.au/project/youthsailqld/ |
Best Practices Achieved
1. Eliminate Single-Use Water Bottles and Provide Water Refill Stations
We have removed providing single-serve drinks to competitors and volunteers have provided all stakeholders a reusable water bottle, kindly provided to us by local businesses. This will serve to significantly reduce our single-use plastic waste.
3. Serve Food with Plastic-Free Dinnerware
This year we no longer provided lunch packs to competitors, as we have in the past, to which will further reduce our plastic waste and environmental footprint.
The lunches that were provided to the Officials, Coaches and Volunteers were stored using minimum plastics, reusable containers.
11. Ensure Proper Waste Bin Placement and Signage
There was full recycling bins at each venue, at the end of the regatta all recyclables were collected and taken to the local Containers for Change center for full recycling.
4. Skip Bags or Go Reusable
Youth Sail QLD has provided competitors with event bags or totes. These have been a massive hit with the sailors. All of the event information for the competitors and coaches are included in their reusable bags, reducing the environmental impact.
5. Award Practical Items or Use a Perpetual or Upcycled Trophy
At the Youth Sail QLD event we hold a perpetual trophy for the spirit of the lake awards. This award is awarded for encouragement, Sportsmanship and most improved sailor. Excitement around this award is high.
6. Publicize Your Sustainability Efforts
KBSC are proud to publise the sustainability efforts we strive to achieve at all of our events. This year's Youth Sail QLD's efforts saw the local Plastic Free CQ social media page share our sustainability efforts, and proudly recognising the efforts of our sponsor, Emu Park Real Estate.
1. Eliminate Single-Use Water Bottles and Provide Water Refill Stations
Every year we have a water refilling station available for all attendees to access ice cold water, further reducing the events environmental footprint.
8. Post Educational and Reusable Signage
Throughout the Youth Sail QLD event there was Clean Regatta, Sailors for the Sea promotional material in the competitor packs, and throughout the venues. This provided an insight to the sailors about the Sailors for the Sea initiative.
15. Promote Alternative Transportation
Throughout the event due to the close proximity from the clubhouse (event location) to accommodation, competitors, coaches and officials generally either walk or ride their bikes to the event.
20. Encourage Green Boating Practices
Where possible, we will use four-stroke engine fuel as opposed to two-stroke fuel. Four-stroke fuel is more efficient and has significantly fewer environmental impacts than two-stroke fuel, which will further reduce our environmental footprint. There will also be fewer two-stroke rescue boats used for this year's event than in previous years.
20. Encourage Green Boating Practices
All competitors were awarded a locally grown fresh pineapple as part of their prizes. These pineapples were sourced from a local farm and were a huge hit with all.
We had a vast range of local sponsors for this year's Youth Sail QLD event. Event sponors included, the Local Livingstone Shire Council, National Australia Bank Limited, Keppel Bay Marina, Emu Park Real Estate, Golding Pty Ltd, The Causeway Lake Shop. We even had volunteers from the local Capricornia Blokart Club, Capricorn Cruising Yacht Club and Sailability Capricornia assisting for the event.
16. Increase Awareness of Wildlife and Habitat Protection
This year we introduced a workshop with our Green Fleet Sailors (aged 7-12yrs), about plastic and how plastics never break down properly. This workshop was held by a KBSC instructor. They kids and parents thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and have recommended it be continued at our event annually.