Arizona Yacht Club Birthday Regatta for Charity

February 16, 2024 to February 18, 2024
Annual Regatta

Event Details

Host Arizona Yacht Club
Location USA
Certification Level Silver
Website Link

Best Practices Achieved

17. Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Alternatives

We offer vegetarian and gluten free alternatives at our meals.

13. Use Paperless Event Management

We post our Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions and Scoring online.

12. Divert Food Waste from the Landfill

We compost food waste and plates, napkins, dinnerware & coffee cups through Recycled City.

11. Ensure Proper Waste Bin Placement and Signage

We have compost bins, recycle bins, and trash bins with reusable signage. We are very careful to make sure that people know what is compostable and recyclable.

10. Organize a Green Team

We have a green team that ensures this regatta stays green and also organizes a street cleanup (through the AZ Dept of Transportation) once a year.

8. Post Educational and Reusable Signage

We have laminated signs that we reuse each year for our recycling, composting and water filtration system.

7. Involve Local Organizations

Our composting was done through Recycled City, a local composting and farming company.

6. Publicize Your Sustainability Efforts

We publicized our sustainability efforts on our website, on emails, on social media, and on slides that were shown at the regatta.

5. Award Practical Items or Use a Perpetual or Upcycled Trophy

Our awards this year were engraved cutting boards and glasses.

4. Skip Bags or Go Reusable

We had our logo printed on reusable fabric bags that we used for our skippers bags and any time we needed a bag.

3. Serve Food with Plastic-Free Dinnerware

We use compostable plates, dinnerware, coffee cups & stirrers. We have separate containers to collect the compost, which is collected by our local composter, Recycled City (in Phoenix, AZ).

2. Eliminate Plastic Straws

We did not offer straws for any of our drinks.

1. Eliminate Single-Use Water Bottles and Provide Water Refill Stations

We have a water filtration system that we setup to offer free to participants to fill up their own reusable water bottles. We do not off any single use water bottles.