Annapolis Sailboat Show

October 12, 2023 to October 15, 2023
Other water-based event

Event Details

Host Annapolis Boat Shows
Location Annapolis, USA
Certification Level Participant
Website Link

Best Practices Achieved

1. Eliminate Single-Use Water Bottles and Provide Water Refill Stations

We placed four water refill stations at the show and provided reusable water bottles to our staff.

11. Ensure Proper Waste Bin Placement and Signage

We placed recycling bins with all trash bins throughout the show.

4. Skip Bags or Go Reusable

La Victoire Finance provided reusable bags to be handed out at the gates, and we encouraged our exhibitors to provide reusable bags.

6. Publicize Your Sustainability Efforts

We sent out press releases and emailed our attendees and exhibitors about our efforts.

20. Encourage Green Boating Practices

Many of our exhibitors displayed products for clean boating, and we worked to highlight those products. We also shared through social media the Sailors for the Sea video about our efforts.