Palamós Christmas Race 2024

December 18, 2024 to December 22, 2024
Youth Regatta

Event Details

Host Club Nàutic Costa Brava-Club Vela Palamós
Location Palamós (Girona), Spain
Certification Level Bronze
Website Link

Best Practices Achieved

1. Eliminate Single-Use Water Bottles and Provide Water Refill Stations

The regatta organisation has provided water fountains and eliminated the use of single-use water bottles. The organisation lunch packs supplier, Hostal Olga, provided refillable water bottles for all members of the regatta organisation.

2. Eliminate Plastic Straws

See point 3 - Plastic free dinnerware

3. Serve Food with Plastic-Free Dinnerware

All dinnerware was provided by Innova Packaging company, in a collaboration with the regatta organisation. The company follows sustainability measures in the production of all its products (All plastic free and environmentally friendly)

5. Award Practical Items or Use a Perpetual or Upcycled Trophy

Practical items made of recycable material and organic cotton as well as trophies made of cork from the area of proximity have been used. The organisation promotes the use of local products for local companies to enhance environmentally friendly measures.

6. Publicize Your Sustainability Efforts

Press releases, interviews in local radios and all signage has clearly publicized the regatta's sustainability efforts. The regatta website as well as social networks have also emphasized this key measure followed by the event organisers in all areas of the regatta.

7. Involve Local Organizations

This edition of the regatta has launched a Schools visit campaing to raise awareness of the need to preserve the environment and the oceans. This has been a most successful initiative with talks at schools as well as visits to the regatta venue. Around 180 school children aged 6 to 12 and college students aged 16 visited and learned about the sport and the regatt'a sustainable programme. Another initiative with great impact on the municipality was the collaboration with Carnival Group La Liada and the presentation from Salvamars Cirkus, a play addressed to children to raise awareness of the importance of our oceans and sea life and the need to preserve and protect them for a better future.

11. Ensure Proper Waste Bin Placement and Signage

Waste bins were placed throughout the regatta venue with signage to raise awareness of the importance of recycling and keeping the area clean and tidy. Specially with the placing in bins of the dinnerware of the Happy Meals offered everyday after the races. Mailings were also made to sailors and coaches to draw attention on this matter. The boat park was cleaned when teams went afloat for the day's races.

13. Use Paperless Event Management

The Palamós Christmas Race is a paperless event by definitio. From the online entry to protests, score reviews, results, etc .. everything is managed online with the Sailti Race Management platform. Communication with sailors and coaches is made through the Sailor and Coach Account and all information is posted online on the event website. For this 48th edition, a large screen was installed at the beache venue tent for the Weather forecast briefing, video and photo projections and publsihing of all information related to the regatta.